Home remedies to get rid of a yeast infection
Yeast infection is a very common type of fungal infection and also a common female sexual health problem . Yeast infection in the genitalia can cause burning, stinging, itching, and vaginal discharge . More than half of the women in the world experience it at least once in their lives. The yeast infections can be treated with several methods including traditional and herbal medications. Also, it can be treated with home remedies. This article explores the best home remedies for you to use to treat yeast infections. Using tea tree oil Tea tree oil has antifungal properties that make it able to kill yeasts and fungi. Use it with some carrier oil as it can irritate the skin and vagina. Apply it on a tampon and insert it in the vagina and leave it overnight for better results or apply it directly to the infected area outside the vagina. Using boric acid Vaginal boric acid capsules are available at pharmacies which can help to treat yeast infections . It is significantly efficie...