Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause and understanding its relationship with female sexual health


The genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) is a condition that describes the genital, sexual, and urinary changes in the genital tract due to menopause. It can be said to be a worse form of symptoms of menopause. It is considered to even worsen with time if not treated well. GSM usually combines with vaginal atrophy and makes too much of a problem to handle. About 50 to 70% of women with menopause experience the condition of genitourinary syndrome of menopause. The prevalence of GSM is more commonly seen in survivors of breast cancer. Not getting the proper treatment on time adversely affects the quality of life and relationships of the women.

Menopause is women's sexual health condition without a period for about 12 or more months straight due to the decreasing levels of estrogen. It occurs in women usually after the age of 50. Every woman has different symptoms of menopause. Some may experience the least symptoms whereas others may face severe symptoms of menopause.

Symptoms of GSM

Women with GSM may face symptoms of GSM that include:

Experiencing hot flashes, flushes, or night sweats that disturb sleep and cause mood changes.

Burning sensation while peeing.

A need to pee more frequently.

The vagina can become dry and irritated.

The vaginal tissues may become thin and dry causing issues with vaginal lubrication.

Sensitive vaginal tissues may tear or bleed and cause painful sex.

The pH level in the healthy vagina may change and get alkaline causing the infections.

Painful sex means that women would get less interested in sex from now onwards. Sex will become uncomfortable.

Having an increase in the pubic hair density that is known as dysuria.

Experiencing dyspareunia as the cervix becomes smaller and retracted.

Experiencing postcoital bleeding as the size of labia minora reduces.

Having decreased sex can cause the pelvic muscles to tighten involuntarily which is known as vaginismus. It further leads to no sex at all.

GSM can lead to trouble in sex life

If you are facing symptoms like those stated above, you might be suffering from the genitourinary syndrome of menopause. These symptoms can have a significant effect on women’s sexual life.

These symptoms may significantly affect a woman’s sexual satisfaction, her intimate relationships, and her overall quality of life.  Because of the sensitive nature of this condition, it may feel difficult to discuss it with your provider. However, don’t be shy. Many effective treatment options exist.

Cause of GSM

The cause of genitourinary syndrome of menopause is not yet known. It is just believed to be a women’s sexual health condition that further worsens the symptoms of menopause.

Diagnosis of GSM

In order to diagnose the genitourinary syndrome of menopause, it is not compulsory that you experience all of the symptoms mentioned above, as said earlier as well. But the symptoms are quite irritating and are not experienced due to some other condition, for example, an allergy or infection. If you feel that you might have the genitourinary syndrome of menopause, you must contact a doctor right away. The doctor is likely to perform a pelvic exam to examine your genital tract for any physical symptoms.

Treatment of GSM

Despite the fact that genitourinary syndrome of menopause is a serious women’s sexual health-related problem, there are several ways to treat it. In order to treat the symptoms of GSM, there are several methods including hormonal treatments, non hormonal treatments, and some lifestyle changes. The following describes hormone treatments and non-hormone treatments in detail:

Hormone Treatment

Hormone treatments, also known as hormone replacement therapy, that can help to alleviate the symptoms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause are of several types such as:


It is a tablet that is taken orally to treat painful sex. It plays the role of estrogen in some tissues.


Dehydroepiandrosterone is a steroid hormone that is naturally produced by the adrenal glands. It helps to produce estrogen and testosterone in the body. DHEA can help you deal with problems related to vaginal atrophy.

Low Dosage Estrogen

It is a hormone therapy that treats problems related to vaginal health within a few weeks. Low dose estrogen is available in several forms such as cream, gel, ring, etc., You can get compounded estrogen from the harbor compounding pharmacy, by giving the prescription provided to you by your doctor. For more information about the products, visit the website of harbor compounding pharmacy.

Non-Hormone Treatment

A number of ways not involving hormones are present that can help deal with the symptoms of menopause. Some of them are listed below:

Vaginal Moisturizers

Vaginal moisturizers can be used to maintain the moisture in the vagina. You must use them regularly to have better results.

Vaginal Lubricants

Vaginal lubricants are used to decrease friction and help you have painless and comfortable sex. Water-soluble or silicone-based lubricants are recommended to be used before having sex.

Vaginal Dilators

The use of vaginal dilators helps to restore the capacity of the vagina. By expanding its width and depth, it provides elasticity to the tissues that help to have painless and comfortable sex.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

These exercises help to strengthen the muscles in the vagina and enhance elasticity.

C02 laser

It helps to increase blood flow and collagen growth.


Do not forget to ask your doctor before using any of the hormonal and some of the non-hormonal treatments like CO2 laser and vaginal dilators. The reason behind this is that you may have any health conditions that may get worse on getting these treatments. Other factors that are involved in the choice of treatment include personal preference, the severity of symptoms, prior surgeries, the risk of developing breast cancer again, etc. Your healthcare provider will know the best about you therefore, do not happen to make decisions on your own.


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