How Can You Cope with Irritable Uterus Problems?

Irritable uterus contractions can make you uncomfortable and cause pain. But do not worry, most of the time it will not harm you or your baby. There are a number of techniques that can help you to cope with your uterine irritability contractions. The following is a list of some things that you should do to help yourself for relieving the pain:

Empty your bladder regularly

Do not keep your bladder full, empty it regularly. Make sure you empty it before going to bed. A full bladder may put pressure on your cervix which can make the contractions more intense and painful.

Avoid heavy weight lifting

Lifting heavy weighted objects can trigger contractions and cause your condition to worsen.

Get enough rest

Make sure that you get a sufficient amount of sleep (at least 8 hours). Lack of sleep can put you in a bad mood and make you exhausted. It also causes stress levels to increase which can worsen the contractions. Keep your movement minimal by staying in bed and relaxing.

Do not stress out

Avoid taking too much stress by not getting into arguments or unpleasant conversations. If you feel that something is stressful for you, cut it out. Do not do strenuous exercise or vigorous work. An increase in the stress levels in your body could worsen the contractions and cause an irritable uterus. Draw your attention to things like meditation. It can help you to relax.

Avoid sexual activities

Make sure that you do not have any kind of sexual activity for example sex and masturbation. The semen contains some chemical which can also cause contractions in the uterus. Similarly, any kind of sexual stimulation increases the production of oxytocin in the body. Oxytocin also causes contractions in the uterus.

Eat light

Try to eat small and regular meals that can be easily digested. Go for foods that are rich in nutrients and avoid processed foods. It will help to reduce the irritation in the uterus.

Avoid caffeine

Stop taking caffeine in any form. It may trigger the contractions and cause your irritable uterus to worsen.

Lay on your left side

Lying on your left side has been seen to calm the contractions and relieve pain most of the time. It may help you to relax sometimes.

Test for infections

Get yourself tested for any infections. Treat any underlying infections.

Take magnesium supplements

Magnesium can help your body to calm. But make sure you ask your doctor before taking them.

If you feel that something is not right, you are always free to make an appointment with your doctor or healthcare provider. In case the situation is alarming, your doctor will make proper arrangements for it.


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