Effects of Alcohol on Sexual Behavior
Physical outcomes
As a depressant, alcohol can cause destruction to your central nervous system. Also, it can dehydrate your body and limit blood flow towards the genitals.
For men, issues with blood circulation can ultimately result in erectile dysfunction. It can occur once in a while or eventually grow into a long-term issue.
In the case of females, dehydration can give rise to vaginaldryness. Sex can become unpleasant or even cause pain in women due to insufficient lubrication. Women might also face difficulties achieving orgasm if they drink too much.
Risky Behavior
In a poll taken recently by SexHealthMatters, it was asked if the use of alcohol had ever driven them to engage in unsafe sex. And surprisingly over 88% of the participants answered yes, they had unprotected sex under the effect of alcohol.
Apparently, it is no surprise that alcohol when drunk excessively weakens our ability to judge. We may laugh over the expression “beer goggles” when somebody finds another person more charming than she or he would appear in usual circumstances but mistakes in behavioral assessment can have notable health implications.
Unsafe sex can result in various complications. An unexpected pregnancy can happen with a couple that isn't ready to bring a baby into the house. Sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia, genital herpes, and gonorrhea are very common. Some kinds of a different STI, HPV - human papillomavirus, can produce cervical, penile, and anal cancers, accompanied by different head and neck carcinomas and genital warts.
Impaired sense from excessive alcohol can impact emotionally, too.
Social and Legal Concerns
For instance, in the case of co-workers and colleagues, pairing off can give rise to various troubles at the workplace. There may be some embarrassment in the recess room. Also, there can be some mental stress, particularly if their sexual encounter resulted in an STI or a conception. The state could weaken their work productivity individually and influence their capacity to work collectively as a team. If a passion bloomed, their organization may have restrictive policies for workers dating.
Alcohol might also fire up sexual harassment and brutality. Remaining sober can assist one to acknowledge an alarming situation and increase the chances of escaping it or summoning for help.
This isn’t being said that you should not have some drinks if your body handles it well. In fact, for some people, drinking a little amount of alcohol can make the person feel less frustrated and more relaxed and that can aid in intimate situations.
But it should be kept in mind that sex and excessive alcohol can be a dangerous combination. Having an honest discussion with a clear mind about protective methods and future expectations before jumping into sheets can make the encounter more pleasant for the couple.
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