Six Ways to Get Back into Sex After a Mastectomy

Many women may have an innate connection between their breasts and a sense of femininity and sexual potency, both in themselves and in their partners. When a partial or total mastectomy is advised as the best course of treatment for breast cancer, the effects can go far beyond the body; concerns about body image, desirability, sexuality or sexual pleasure, sexual desire, and how the surgery will affect a spouse or partner can all have a big impact on a couple's relationship. Keeping an open line of communication with your partner is crucial while dealing with any relationship challenges. Following a mastectomy, follow these six suggestions for regaining good emotional and sexual function.

Accept The Changes To Your Body By Making Gradual Progress.

 Even with the comfort and confidence of a husband or partner, scars can still significantly affect how a woman views her body, despite surgeons' best efforts to lessen their visual impact. After a mastectomy, it's common to have sentiments of grief, loss, or anger. However, you should make an effort to get over these emotions and concentrate on the other aspects of your life that make you happy and joyful. Many women might find it simpler to embrace the sight of their naked bodies gradually and in tiny degrees.

While you work toward feeling comfortable with full nudity, spend some time in front of the mirror wearing attire that makes you feel beautiful or feminine. Lacy or silky slips or nightgowns can help conceal the results of your surgery and make you feel desirable or attractive.

Think About Prostheses Or Breast Reconstruction. 

Although surgical breast reconstruction or breast prostheses may not be appropriate for everyone, they may assist to increase sexual desire, self-esteem, confidence, and self-worth. Despite the fact that the surgical option offers advantages and disadvantages, more women are choosing breast reconstruction after mastectomy in recent years. The sensation and pleasure from the breasts may not be the same as they were prior to surgery, even after breast reconstruction.

Some women decide to wear a breast prosthesis under a bra or camisole during sexual activity if breast reconstruction surgery doesn't feel like the appropriate fit, to lessen feelings of self-consciousness, or to make them feel more appealing. Some patients may find these awkward or uncomfortable as well, so it's wise to test a few before deciding which is ideal for you, your partner, and your particular tastes.

Look At Various Options For Enhancing Your Body's True Beauty. 

Some women who choose breast reconstruction also think about getting a lovely tattoo on their breasts, whether it's a representation of a realistic nipple and areola or one that's more ornamental and detailed and intended to give the patient confidence.

Keep A Strong Emotional Bond With Your Partner. 

There are still methods to stay emotionally intimate with your lover even if you're not ready to resume your sex life. Discuss your worries and fears with your partner in an honest and open manner as well. You'll probably find that there are a lot of things about you that your partner finds appealing sexually that have little to do with your breasts.

Focus On Sensuality:

 Many women report feeling disconnected from their bodies after surgery—especially if they had reconstructive surgery involving implants—which can make them hesitant about having sex again out of fear they won't feel pleasure in the same way they did before their surgery. To help combat this issue, focus on increasing sensuality rather than focusing solely on intercourse itself; non-sexual activities such as massage or cuddling can still be incredibly intimate without being too overwhelming. Taking things slow will also give you space to reconnect with your body at your own pace without feeling pressured into anything physical before you’re ready for it. 

Consider Professional Help If Needed

If anxiety surrounding post-mastectomy sex becomes overwhelming – consider seeking out professional help from a therapist who specializes in helping people cope with post-mastectomy trauma or other related issues concerning intimacy after major surgical procedures such as breast cancer treatment involving mastectomies or reconstructive surgeries. 

 Many women who have undergone a mastectomy can feel like they’ve lost their sense of sexual self. While the physical effects of a mastectomy can be hard to grapple with, it’s important to remember that these effects don’t have to be permanent. Harbor Compound Pharmacy offers hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for those who are looking for ways to get back into sex after a mastectomy. 

How Hormone Replacement Therapy Works 

Hormones play an essential role in both men's and women's health, and they can also have an effect on your sex drive. Low levels of hormones like estrogen and testosterone can lead to decreased libido and other symptoms that might make getting back into sex difficult after a mastectomy. This is where hormone replacement therapy comes in. At Harbor Compound Pharmacy, we specialize in custom-made compounded medications that contain hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and more depending on your specific situation. These hormones get delivered directly into the bloodstream via creams, gels, patches, or injections so that they take effect quickly and effectively. 

Benefits Of Hormone Replacement Therapy After A Mastectomy 

One of the most common reasons people seek out HRT is because it helps boost sex drive after a major change like a mastectomy has occurred. Not only does HRT help produce a higher libido but it also helps build muscle mass when combined with regular exercise as well as improve overall energy levels throughout the day—both of which can be beneficial if you are trying to get back into sex after a mastectomy. Additionally, hormone replacement therapy has been known to help reduce hot flashes and night sweats during menopause as well as improve skin elasticity throughout the body—which some might find comforting post-mastectomy when dealing with physical changes associated with breast removal or reconstruction surgery.           


If you’ve gone through a mastectomy but want to get back into sex again, it may be time to consider hormone replacement therapy at Harbor Compound Pharmacy. Our knowledgeable pharmacists will work closely with you to pinpoint the right combination of hormones necessary for you to reach your goals—all while ensuring your safety is our top priority every step of the way! Reach out today or schedule an appointment online if this sounds like something you would benefit from!   ​​​​​​


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