
Showing posts from November, 2020

What is Low Dose Naltrexone?

Naltrexone is a type of drug that is known as opioid antagonists. It basically works to prevent the binding of opiate drugs to the opioid receptors that cause the release of endorphin and enkephalin. It does not only cause these chemicals to release but release in increased amounts. The increased amounts of endorphins help to control the immune response of your body, reduce the growth rate of unwanted or abnormal cells, reduce inflammation, etc. Following are written the uses of low dose naltrexone in detail: This medication has a number of uses. It can do far more than we can think of. We have tried to pin down as many uses as we could below: ●      Naltrexone helps to prevent people who are addicted to drugs from taking them again. ●      It acts as a pain reliever. ●      It helps to cut down the inflammation. ●      It helps to treat alcohol abuse. ●      Low dose naltr...

Traditional or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?

You are not alone if you are experiencing hormone imbalance that has left you to feel unsettled. At one point or the other, everyone goes through hormone fluctuations . But you do not have to worry about it as both traditional hormonal replacement therapy and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy are known to significantly reduce the symptoms of hormonal imbalance such as distress and anxiety and help to restore the well-being of the person. In this piece of literature, you will get to know about what is the difference between traditional hormonal replacement therapy and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy , and also which treatment is the best for your health. By getting to know about this, you can help yourself to gain better control of your health. Traditional hormone replacement therapy vs bioidentical hormone replacement therapy Your body produces hormones throughout life in order to regulate the metabolism and body functions in a better way. With age, the natural ...

Treating androgen deficiency in women naturally

Androgen deficiency in women is treated through hormone replacement therapy but it may have a number of side effects and risks related to it. In order to avoid such problems, it is advised to change your diet and lifestyle to treat androgen deficiency in women . Androgen deficiency is treated through testosterone therapy . Therefore, in order to treat androgen deficiency in women , food that enhances the levels of testosterone are recommended. You can make the following changes in your diet and lifestyle if you are struggling with androgen deficiency . Changes in diet Eat more onions and garlic Onions and garlic are known to not only be your friends in the kitchen, but also in the bedroom. These foods enhance your androgen levels by triggering the production of testosterone. Eat more fish Fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel and salmon are rich in vitamin D. It helps to boost the levels of testosterone naturally by improving the hormone production. Foods with magnesium ...

Side-Effects Of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is usually used to treat hormone deficiency in women . It works for most women, but for some of them, it is not a very good option. Hormone replacement therapy has many health risks associated with it depending upon an individual’s symptoms. If you want to know if it is a good option for you or not, you must talk to your doctor before starting the treatment. Back in the past, doctors used to frequently recommend hormone replacement therapy for women dealing with menopausal symptoms . But now, with advancements in technology, it has turned out that HRT has many side effects. A few of them are stated below: Heart risks Risk of heart disease increases in women who are taking long-term hormone replacement therapy of a combination of estrogen-progestin therapy (EPT) . It is most likely to be seen in women who start HRT in their 60’s or 10 years after menopause. Women who are new to menopause must take short-term HRT Skin issues Women taking ho...

Managing Chronic Pain With Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

Low dose naltrexone is significantly known to treat chronic pain in people. It acts in a way that relieves the pain generating nerves by improving the autoimmune conditions in the nervous system. The human nervous system consists of nerves and cells that are known as glia.  The glia cells are responsible to provide immune protection and defend the central nervous system. The glia cells are made up of astrocytes and microglia and either of them has a specific role. The astrocytes are known for maintaining the balance of cell fluid that is significant for the chemical reactions taking place inside the cells. The microglia act as a guard and protects the immune system. The glia remains inactive when the conditions are normal but go into an active state in response to an injury or infection. During any circumstances of trauma, injury, opioids, or injury, the brain, and spinal cord gets inflamed which is usually a sign of activation of glia cells. The low dose naltrexone drug that he...

In what ways post-menopausal women can benefit from HRT

  The Various Benefits of using HRT After 65 Postmenopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood disturbances, and sexual discomfort can be devastating and are typically what spurs women to seek HRT. But, the lack of estrogen that gives rise to menopause also reduces bone density and raises the chance of osteoporosis, a major reason for injury and overall debased state of life for more adult women. Administering exogenous estrogen through HRT not just alleviates more apparent postmenopause symptoms , although it can additionally offer stability against bone damage and aid you in preventing osteoporosis. The one-size-fits-all method just doesn’t make proper sense. Instead, every woman can operate with her health provider to decide whether HRT is the most suited choice to cure her symptoms and decrease the risk of osteoporosis. Assessing Risks and Building a Customized Plan For countless females, the advantages of hormone replacement therapy after 65 are indisputable, and you might tak...

How Does Hormone Imbalance Affect Women’s Sexuality?

The hormones play an important part in maintaining overall health. It is possible that the hormonal imbalance affects women’s sexuality just like other body processes. In this blog post, you can learn all that you need to know about the hormone imbalance and its effect on women’s sexuality . Effects of hormonal imbalance on women’s sexual health The effects of hormonal balance on women’s sexual health are stated below: ●      Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS ) ●      Vaginal atrophy ●      Pain during sexual intercourse ●      Hirsutism: a condition in which hair grows excessively on the face, chin, and other parts of the body. ●      Decreased sex desire ●      Loss of libido ●      Infertility ●      Period problems: Heavy and painful periods , missed periods, stopped periods, frequent periods. Causes ...

How Can You Treat Your Friable Cervix?

The treatment of a friable cervix that is recommended by your doctor depends upon the cause of the condition and symptoms that you are facing.  Your doctor will perform a thorough exam on your genitals and the reproductive tract. The doctor will prescribe some medications and lifestyle changes that may help you deal with the disorder. Friable cervix due to cervical disorders The cervical disorders may require different treatments depending upon the type of disorder. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical polyps can be removed through colposcopy and then get tested for cancer. The cervical ectropion usually goes away on its own but if it does not, it may be cauterized or burnt off. The treatment of cervical cancer depends on the stage of cancer. The possible treatments for cervical cancer are radiotherapy, surgery, chemotherapy, or removal of the abnormal cells through laser or cone biopsy. Friable cervix due to sexually transmitted diseases The friable cervix cau...

How Can You Cope with Irritable Uterus Problems?

Irritable uterus contractions can make you uncomfortable and cause pain. But do not worry, most of the time it will not harm you or your baby. There are a number of techniques that can help you to cope with your uterine irritability contractions . The following is a list of some things that you should do to help yourself for relieving the pain: Empty your bladder regularly Do not keep your bladder full, empty it regularly. Make sure you empty it before going to bed. A full bladder may put pressure on your cervix which can make the contractions more intense and painful. Avoid heavy weight lifting Lifting heavy weighted objects can trigger contractions and cause your condition to worsen. Get enough rest Make sure that you get a sufficient amount of sleep (at least 8 hours). Lack of sleep can put you in a bad mood and make you exhausted. It also causes stress levels to increase which can worsen the contractions. Keep your movement minimal by staying in bed and relaxing. Do n...

Using Bremelanotide Intranasal Spray To Treat HSDD

The food and drug administration in the United States approved Bremelanotide to treat women’s sexual health problems like low sexual desire in women before menopausal. So bremelanotide is used to treat generalized hypoactive sexual desire disorder or acquired hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Bremelanotide is sold under the name Vyleesi. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is a condition that is marked not only by low sexual desire but also by distress, relationship difficulties, mental health conditions, etc. Generalized Hypoactive sexual desire disorder develops in women that experience problems with their sexual desire regardless of the situation, partner, and type of sexual activity. Whereas, acquired hypoactive sexual desire disorder occurs in women who did not face any kind of sexual desire problems before in life. Vyleesi or bremelanotide intranasal spray helps to activate the melanocortin receptors in women. These receptors are used to improve sexual desire in wome...


Dysorgasmia is a women’s sexual health condition in which a woman experiences pain or cramps after having sex. How can you treat dysorgasmia? The treatment of this condition depends upon what is causing it. There are a number of treatments that your doctor may prescribe you upon diagnosing dysorgasmia in you. The following are the treatments that can be used to treat the condition of dysorgasmia. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) Your healthcare provider can refer you to a specialist who provides you cognitive-behavioral therapy . Cognitive-behavioral therapy may be used to treat orgasmic disorders such as dysorgasmia. It can help to change the patient’s attitude and mindset towards sex and related sexual activities. It can help to reduce the negative thoughts one might have with respect to sex. Moreover, cognitive behavioral therapy will help reduce the anxiety related to performance and orgasm, and other concerns. The treatment involves a sensate focus technique which us...